Sick of Getting No Sleep? Doing These Things Can Help!

woman asleep on a bed next to her dog

There's nothing worse than trying to get through the day when you haven't had enough sleep. Not only are you lethargic, but you're grumpy and agitated and generally not your best self. We've all been there, I know I'm just the worst after a rubbish night's sleep. You might feel over emotional, every small issue can feel like a large one and it can even make you eat more (thanks to the disruption of hunger hormones!) So many people view getting enough sleep as a luxury rather than a necessity, and it's just not the right way to think. Sleep is beneficial for every part of our health and wellbeing, research has even shown that not getting enough can be comparable with brain damage. It's time to fix up your ways, here are a few steps to getting on the right track.

Find a good pillow
It's such a simple fix but can really make a difference Usually we point the finger at our mattress, but if you can’t find the perfect position to sleep in, then your pillow could well be to blame if you know your bed is ok. There are different pillows which you should shop for according to your sleeping position, do your research to find what's best for you. Something too soft, too firm, too high or too flat can lead to misalignment of the spine and general feelings of being uncomfortable. 

Develop a regular sleep pattern
Getting up and going to bed at roughly the same time each day is one of the best things you can do when it comes to you sleep. Get into a routine and you'll notice that you start feeling tired at the same time each evening, and naturally wake at the same time each day. No one loves the sound of the alarm clock in the morning, but it's always going to be easier to deal with if you've had enough kip. 

Keep tabs on what you eat or drink
For a good night sleep, it's advisable to eat your evening dinner about four hours before. This is because the body will have started the digestion process, which is something that can keep you awake too close to bedtime. Changes in your body such as increased heat (which happens as a result of digestion) can be enough to stop you from winding down and drifting off. Heartburn and other digestive issues can also be problematic if you lie down with a full stomach. We've all heard of the old wives tale to avoid cheese before bed, but avoiding large meals, spicy foods and high fat ingredients are much better advice if you want to sleep well. 

Avoid stressful or strenuous activities before bedtime
Stress takes up your mind and disrupts your sleep. This could be from work, an argument with a colleague or a spouse. Exercise in the hours leading up to bedtime can also keep you awake, so aim to do your workouts earlier in the day. Keep the evenings as a relaxing, calm time where you can wind down and get yourself in the right frame of mind for a good night's sleep. 

Avoid bright light an hour before bedtime
Bright light from screens or just house lighting leads to the disruption of melatonin, the hormones that help you drift off to sleep. Instead of scrolling through your phone, try meditation, listen to music on low or read a book using a proper reading light. These things can all promote calm and help you to drift into a nice relaxing sleep.