Classic Appeal: Why Traditional Interiors are Best for Period Houses

We have all fantasised about owning a period property at some point in our lives. For those of us who have achieved that dream, however, it can be tricky to know what to do next. From the moment when the seller hands over the keys, we realise the sheer scope for interior redesign and can become completely overwhelmed. Suddenly, we may find ourselves unable to enjoy our new living space because of a burning uncertainty over how we should personalise our historic home. Historic England stresses the particulars of exterior decorating for traditional houses. Equally, emphasising the value of traditional interior furniture could help you make the most of your period property.

The Aesthetic Appeal 
The principal reason why traditional furniture maximises the allure of a period house is that it tends to fit more neatly into its overall look. For many of us selecting pieces and suites that are old fashioned, without any stylistic variation, would be excessive. But adding charming pieces like an elegant coffee table or sideboard will help to maintain the picturesque quality of the house and elevate the historical aesthetic. 

It's Easier to Do Than Ever 
Identifying furniture that suits our tastes no longer demands traipsing from shop to shop to find the most reliable brand. Rather than being mass produced, companies now create furniture bespoke to the customers’ needs. Thanks to companies like Cotswold Co. your home interior can boast traditional style as well as true and honest craftsmanship. How you then arrange your furniture is entirely up to you, but it’s worth noting that the internet if filled with style advice focusing solely on period properties.

The Future Possibilities 
Designing a home interior in a traditional format can further enhance its rustic charm. And as people interested in period properties may be drawn to antique furniture, this could be lucrative for period homeowners by providing the opportunity to enhance their earnings. Those with a surplus of bedrooms, for example, can benefit with traditional furnishings by advertising their homes as authentic historical buildings through holiday letting agencies. Not only will you be respecting the heritage of your home, you will be putting its historical value on the map! 

You Get to Know Your Home Better 
Decorating a period property traditionally may require people to delve deeper into its history through visits to local libraries and archives, which in turn leads to homeowners building a stronger connection with their area and community. And the great thing is you can start from scratch – several comprehensive guides for home history research populate the internet. Historical items you pick up along the way – like antiques and souvenirs – can make fantastic décor features, suffusing each room with historical intrigue. In addition, incorporating these items into the interior layout could increase the country feel enormously, helping it to feel more authentic. 

It Brings Endless Hosting Opportunities 
If you enjoy hosting events in your home, such as book clubs or dinner parties, traditional styled décor could be beneficial. Why is this? People often spend a lot of time and money enhancing their period home interior to appear more presentable for special events. But because you’ve created the perfect period home, you can rest knowing you don’t have to go to these measures. Because of your traditional home interior, it will already ooze that rustic and wholesome charm. 

Appropriate living facilities for historical homes can be as rare as the buildings themselves – but when found, can improve a living space dramatically. That’s why it’s important to mirror the magic of your home with the right furniture pieces.