Sex and Sexually Transmitted Diseases: What You Need to Know (Chlamydia and More!)

Sex has always been considered as a taboo topic by many cultures. Even today, the only places where sex is an acceptable topic is in the West. This is why many people tend to have erroneous ideas about sex and related topics. Sex education is not even available for everyone. In some places, it is even banned for religious or cultural reasons. In the places that are teaching the subject, not all relevant topics are covered for the fear of possible backlash. For example, homosexuality is now considered normal in many countries. However, people in those countries still have misconstrued ideas about it and its community. There are people who still think that they are sick and in need of special healing techniques or powerful prayers. All of this culminates a culture of ignorance and hatred. Even something as natural as menstruation is considered as unholy by many cultures and religions.  Sex should be clean and fun for the parties involved. Consent and communication should also be present for the satisfaction of both parties. 

This is where the reality of sexually transmitted diseases comes in. As sex is still considered a taboo subject, many are exposed to these diseases due to lack of communication and education. During the 1980’s, a disease began ravaging nations worldwide. In its earlier years, it was known as gay related immune disease or GRID, but it was abandoned because research found that it was not just targeting gay men. This disease can affect anyone: man or woman, old or young. It was eventually called HIV-AIDS, a disease which kills the immune system (read more). This results to the susceptibility of the victim to various infections and diseases. When left untreated, it quickly leads to the victim’s death. As there is no cure yet to be discovered, many people are still suffering mainly due to lack of information. Not everyone is brave enough to talk about this disease. Imagine talking about the other sexually transmitted diseases. Safe sex practices are not even fully discussed amongst the population. Condoms and pills do exist as protection; you have to know their limitations. Education is the key here and being aware of the existence of these problems.  Not all STDs is caused by HIV and many are curable, however complications can arise if people wait longer than necessary to find treatment. If you think you might be infected by STD here's what you need to know.

1. Don’t Panic
As stated before, many STDs are curable. All you need to do is to go to your doctor and ask for diagnosis or treatment. Put your health first, this is for your own well-being and for your possible partners as well. Being responsible for your own health is not a reprehensible act, rather see it as an act of loving and taking care of yourself. Accidents can happen, whether it was a split condom or a misjudgement in the moment, the important part is taking responsibility and getting the right treatment afterwards.

2. Ask Your Partner 
If you have a significant other, it's important to have a clear line of communication. If they feel offended about your queries, explain to them this is about health concerns and nothing more. One thing to bear in mind is that many STIs don't have symptoms, and so people can carry diseases for many years without even realising. 

3. Get Tested
Nothing beats education in stopping these diseases from infecting others. There are many testing centers all around the globe dedicated to the detection and treatment of STDs. You should look to seek them out there's a risk you have contracted a disease. There are also home testing kits like the ones you can see online or the site This can help in the early detection and prevention of the disease. 

Contacting a sexually transmitted disease is not the end of your life. Cures and treatments do exist, so be sure to get the help you need. Educate yourself and be aware.