Mid Year Goals: Save For A Car, Fast

two women toasting next to an SUV

Who said goals need to start at the beginning of the year? If you need a car to get to work, for a road trip, in preparation to keep you sheltered in the winter, or just because, now is as good a time as any to begin saving. So, if you’re pretty impatient, need the car imminently, or can't be bothered with the drawn-out process of waiting forever to buy a new ride there are ways to do it within a short time frame.

The Chosen One
First of all, you need to pick a car make and model that you like and then scout how much it'll cost so that you can figure out how much you need to save. You can take a glance online on sites like Reed Autos to get an idea of what kind of car ticks your boxes. Initially, you want to think practically and aim for the vehicle that fits your needs. For instance, it may not work out too well to save for a two-seater, if you have a baby on the way - unless your other half doesn't mind cramming themselves into the boot of the car.

Your Money Situation
It’s now time to take a good hard look at your finances. What you’re looking for from your monthly/weekly income is any potential to save some money towards your new vehicle. Following this, you can increase your potential savings by cutting back on some of your outgoings. For example, you could sacrifice a festival or a holiday this year, or switch some of your energy bills. It’s essential to think long term in scenarios like this.

Make Money
Of course, it's not all tightening your wallet, there are opportunities, especially with the internet at your fingertips to make money alongside the job you have at the moment. For a few ideas to get you going think about; Selling things you own. It’s incredibly likely you have stuff stashed in your wardrobe or attic that you haven't looked at or needed in years. Upload your unwanted things on websites such as Shpock and Gumtree, and make some money without any charges attached. Freelance your skills. If you’re a good writer, website designer, or personal assistant, branch out and advertise your skillset online to make some extra income in your spare time. Sites such as Upwork and Freelancer are highly competitive but great for promoting your skills to new businesses. Use Your driving licence. There are always plenty of driving jobs on Indeed that you can do to top up your income and save a bit extra towards your new car fast. Think about companies like Deliveroo and Uber.

By going through the motions of seeing what you can save, how you can cut back your outgoings to increase your savings and whether there's an opportunity for you to make more money, you will be sitting in your new car before you know it.