How to Maintain a Positive Outlook During Lockdown

The world is at a standstill right now. During these scary times, negative thinking can be far too easy. Remember you are not alone and however you feeling is perfectly valid. Take a deep breath and be kind to yourself. There are lots of little things you can to make yourself feel better. Even taking the time to read this is a great start. 

Small Tasks 
You may feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of time you have at home. How are you going to fill it? How long will this go on for? Make things easier for yourself by taking things one day at a time. It helps. Each day set yourself small tasks, even if it’s just taking a shower or cooking a simple meal. You’ve got the luxury of taking things to slow so allow yourself to do just that. Don’t think about the bigger picture, focus on the pieces you’ve got in front of you. Enjoy the small moments.

Look Forward 
You’ve got to remember this won’t last forever. To make yourself feel better you can make a list of places you want to visit when all this is over. Even if it’s just travelling to Shepherds Bush to go to your favourite bar. You can go and hug your mum. You could take a seaside trip to soak in the sun. Camp in a forest and truly appreciate the outdoors. The world is still out there, waiting for you to see it. 

Fresh Air 
You may not be able to travel just yet, but you should still try and get outside when you can. It’s a cliche but for a very good reason - fresh air can make you feel so much better. Even just a short stroll can help. Stretch your legs, put on some of your favourite music, and go get some fresh air. 

Loved Ones 
Now more than ever is an important time to reach out to your loved ones. Even if you can’t see them physically, they are only a phone call or Zoom away. Don’t let social distancing get in the way of your close connections with friends and family. You could virtually organise a film night, pub quiz or even cook dinner together

It may not seem like it, but this won’t last forever. In the meantime take care of yourself in a way that works best for you. What have you been doing to stay positive during this?