3 Ways Technology Is Helping to Improve Employee Wellbeing

Technology can often be a double-edged sword when it comes to employee wellbeing. There’s no denying that technology has certainly changed workplace dynamics around the world, allowing for one-click, remote access to anything from emails to video conference calls. And, while it has made working life a more streamlined process, it’s also brought about an ‘always on’ working culture, where employees feel that they need to be available all the time or struggle to step away from their emails, which has led to many workers finding it hard to achieve a good work-life balance. This can have an effect on the physical and mental health of employees, which in turn can increase sick days, reduce productivity, and make it harder for a business to retain staff. On the other hand, when used in the right way, there are many aspects of technology that can lead to a happier, healthier workforce. 

Employees Can Stay Healthier at Work 
One of the best things to come out of advancements in workplace technology is that employees can use a wide variety of gadgets to improve both their physical and mental health while at work. Height adjustable standing desks, for example, are a great addition to the workplace since they are comfortable to use in either a sitting or standing position, and can help employees avoid sitting down for long periods of time. Combined with wearables, such as smartwatches that employees can use to remind themselves when to stand and when to sit, technology can easily be integrated into the workplace to have a positive effect on worker wellbeing without the need to disrupt the work process. FRISKA Desk is a great choice for standing desks; this Scandinavian furniture company aims to put employee health and wellbeing first with a range of stylish, modern options to choose from. 

Personalised Approach 
Often, health and wellbeing programs at work experience low engagement levels because employees don’t see them as being relevant to their needs. On the other hand, using technology allows for a much more personalised approach to health and wellbeing, allowing each employee to choose a tailored solution that works well for them and what they need most. For example, one employee might suffer from stress and anxiety and would benefit from a guided meditation app, while others might find that fitness is more of a priority, and an activity tracker is an ideal option. 

Creates a Support Network 
For many people, technology is a means of staying socially connected. And, employers can take advantage of this and apply it to the workplace in order to strengthen employee bonds and encourage workers to lead healthier lifestyles. A digital support network within the workplace allows colleagues to share progress, exchange tips, and ask and answer questions, which can help motivate employees, encourage better teamwork, and raise the overall workplace morale. The approach might not be for everybody, with some people very private about their health, but having the option available will ensure that all employees are catered for. 

Has technology helped improve your wellbeing at work? We’d love to hear from you.