How to Take Better Photos on Your Phone

Taking the best possible photos on your iphone is easier than you might think. If you’re always slightly disappointed by how your photos turn out and you wish they were more like the ones you see on Instagram, we’ve got some tips and ideas that’ll serve you well. Smartphone cameras are more powerful than ever before, and you don’t even have to have the latest model in order to take great looking photos. With the help of the tips and additions we’re about to discuss, you’ll be able to ensure every photo turns out how you want it to, so read on to learn more.

Try an Additional Lens
First of all, you should give new lenses a go. These are actually much better than you might think and more and more people are now using them. When you see a shot that looks crazy and impossible online and it claims to have been taken with a smartphone, the chances are they were using a lens. Lots of companies now manufacture these lenses that are made especially for smartphones, and most of them are not too expensive. 

Don’t Worry About Social Media So Much
One thing that you should change relates specifically to your mindset when you’re taking photos. Many people take photos with their phones so they can immediately post them to social media. But taking photos with social media in mind won’t necessarily lead to the best photos. Instead, you should focus on taking the best photos you possibly can and when you do that, you’ll have no trouble creating images that deserve to be on your social media channels.

Use the Screen’s Grid
Most smartphones have a grid overlay that you can put on the screen when you’re taking photos, but many people don’t even use it. That’s a major mistake, however. When you see this grid, you get a much better idea of how the photo will turn out and it’ll be much easier for you to compose the overall shot in a creative and careful way. The very best photos are composed and each area of the frame as it were is taken into account.

Don’t Use Digital Zoom
One mistake that so many people still make is using digital zoom. Sadly, one thing that smartphones don’t do well compared to DSLRs and other kinds of dedicated camera is zooming. When you use digital zoom, the quality in the image is very quickly lost and that’s obviously not what you want to happen. If you want to take the best quality images, refrain from zooming and simply crop the image later if there’s a specific part of the image that you want to focus on. The outcomes will be much better.

Start Making Use of Live Photos
Live photos are actually more useful than most people think when it comes to taking better and more creative photos. This is especially true when you’re capturing real and authentic moments or moments that involve movement, especially involving people. If you want to find out more about live photos, how you can get more out of them and why they matter to your smartphone photography, this article will tell you more.

Use Light Carefully
For as long as photography and cameras have existed, one of the most basic, most important and most fundamental things to consider is lighting. And that’s certainly still the case today when you’re taking photos on your phone. Be sure to take into account the lighting and think about how you might be able to get more out of when you’re composing your photos. A ray of light or a quirky affect caused by the lighting can result in very creative and impressive photos.

Use a Good Editing App
Finally, you should think about what you’re going to do with the photos when they’ve been taken. Ideally, you should download a high-quality app that’s going to allow you to edit your photos. Don’t worry; this isn’t cheating. Subtle edits can really bring out the best in a photo and all the top photographers, those using smartphones and those not, edit their photos. As you can see, there are so many different ways in which you can take better photos on your smartphone. You can make use of all of even just a few of these tips and you’ll immediately start to see a difference in the quality of the photos you’re able to take. Don’t be limited by what you can achieve with your photos.