Lifestyle Habits to Impart To Your Pet

Every good pet parent makes an effort in building their pet’s character either by training them or hiring experts. Regardless, it’s essential to train your pet early so as they grow up, they have a strong foundation; this will help you promote a healthy environment and, above all, raise a civilized pet. If you’re wondering where to begin, here are two simple lifestyle habits you should mull over.

Animals like cats are innately clean and may not need regular washing. However, kittens need hygiene training, especially if they are rescue cats or don’t have older cats to emulate. It’d be helpful to ensure your cat is litter trained so they don’t go in hidden places like under the couch, which could cause foul odour, pests and a whole lot of headache. Because a new environment can be overwhelming to your cat, it’d be best to train it slowly and patiently. Firstly, consider putting a litter box inside the house, then take it outside once your kitten is all grown and confident to explore other parts of the house. Also, brace for ups and downs as pets require a meticulous training approach. Remember, bad habits die hard, and your pet may need a bit more time to unlearn, relearn and learn new habits. Essentially, expect your pet to slip up and forego their new habits for a while, only to come back to it later. It’s part of their learning process. However, be as patient as you are calm to help them overcome their fears and train quicker. On the other hand, pets like dogs need special attention because they’re not as instinctively clean as cats.

Regardless of which pet parent you are, it’s essential to train them in basic hygiene like eating without spills, going to the bathroom appropriately, and other positive lifestyles. Eventually, you’ll be able to maintain a clean house crucial for your pet’s good health and wellbeing. 
Obedience to Commands. Having a pet is rewarding, especially if yours has good manners. However, when the contrary is your reality, you’ll have a challenging time bonding and co-inhabiting with your pet. Pets without proper command training are notorious, to say the least. They do as they want without care how their owner feels. Not to blame them, though, as they may be lashing out or acting that way because it’s the only way they know how.

Instead, consider training your pet simple commands like ‘come and go’ commands as a premise. Starting simple helps them associate a command with an action, allowing them to react intentionally. For lasting results, integrate treats such as toys, snacks and petting as rewards for their obedience. By doing so, you’re practically complementing your pet and encouraging repeat behaviour. Besides, as science would have it, rewards are by far the most effective training method because it grounds pets and fosters good behaviour even as they grow older. A good-mannered pet has better relations with its owners and equally with other people than an impolite one. With a civil pet, you can involve them in activities like travelling, eating out and socializing as a way of spending more time together. So, if you’re contemplating getting a pet, bear in mind essential training like those mentioned above for your and your pet's wellbeing.