Can Invisalign in Hertfordshire Help with Dental Confidence?

When striving for dental confidence and security, having a straight smile is often the first item on a patient's list. Misaligned or crooked teeth often start from a young age or even at birth, or they can develop over time due to trauma and poor oral hygiene. Understanding the reasons behind crooked teeth might aid in avoiding their arrival, but the result of misaligned teeth is where the problems often lie. Unfortunately, the smile is often the first thing noticed about someone during that initial meeting, which is why many people feel self-conscious about showing their teeth. With Invisalign Hertfordshire, however, that bright, white and straight smile has never been more attainable. 

What causes crooked teeth? 
Being educated on the leading causes of crooked teeth can allow some patients to avoid such a result or can benefit their children, but it can also help dentists to figure out the best way to provide the desired straight smile. For most people, genetics are not always the friendliest, which is why they more than likely grew up with misaligned teeth. They might have sucked their thumb as a child or had prolonged use of dummies, only furthering the misalignment of their teeth. There are also more external reasons, ranging from poor oral hygiene to malnutrition, tongue thrusting, mouth breathing and trauma. 

What is the treatment? 
Although some patients may be aware of the teeth straightening treatment, it is likely that many have only come across it at vague intervals. The treatment uses custom-made clear aligners that add pressure to the teeth, gently moving them into the patient's desired position. 

What is the treatment process? 
As with many dental treatments, the process starts with an initial consultation. The patient's practitioner must understand everything about the patient, right down to a thorough and detailed dental history. They will also take scans and images of the teeth, providing a predictive image of the patient's new smile after the clear aligners have worked their magic. During this first appointment, a dental map or treatment plan will be made for the patient, keeping the patient fully informed about what to expect. Once the clear aligners have been custom-made to fit the patient's needs, the patient must begin to wear them immediately, following any instructions set by the practitioner. During this time, the clear aligners will begin moving the teeth into the desired position. There are multiple aligners made that are to be swapped out at certain intervals, all of which will be instructed by the trusted practitioner, who only has the patient’s best interests at heart. The patient must attend regular check-ups with the dentist in order to catch any potential problems that may arise and ensure that the teeth are moving correctly and as predicted. 

Are there any benefits? 
The clear aligners are completely removable, making it even easier to keep on top of the ever-important dental hygiene. This also means that the patient does not have to miss out on eating their favourite foods or changing their diet too much, as the aligners can be removed for short periods if there is a fear of damaging the trays.