On and Off Page Dental SEO

Dental SEO is a system of digital techniques and strategies that are carried out on your website or used to design your website to help boost your position in Google search results lists for dental websites in your area. The internet is a very crowded place and without dental SEO your website will get lost amongst the websites belonging to your competitors. To make sure that your website is optimised for Google you need to speak to an award-winning digital dental marketing team.They can carry out a website audit to find out which techniques are already in use and what techniques need to be implemented to enhance your dental SEO, so that you can achieve a higher ranking in the search results list. There are different types of dental SEO. On-page SEO is carried out on the website and off-page SEO refers to tactics which are carried out away from your website that tell Google that your website is valuable to your audience. 

On-page dental SEO 
On-page SEO is the process of improving and optimising your web pages to appeal to prospective patients. The use of keywords is one of the most important strategies for on-page SEO. This means carrying out keyword research to find out what prospective patients in your area are interested in. You will learn the types of dental treatments that are searched for most frequently and the dental issues that are prevalent within your community. You can then use this information and make sure that you refer to these treatments or dental issues strategically and repetitively throughout your website. Accordingly Google recognises that you have the answers that these patients are looking for and refers them to you. This means including keywords in your titles, headings and subheadings and also in the content itself. You also need to make sure that you carry out keyword research on a regular basis, so that you are in keeping with the changing trends in your area and can update your website accordingly. 

Off-page dental SEO 
Off-page SEO tells Google what others think about your website. Inbound links are one of the key factors for good off-page SEO. The number of websites that link to your website or talk about your website has a big influence on how you are ranked by Google. It is important to note that Google will assess the credibility and authority of the linking site, but the more quality links that you earn the better position you will be able to achieve on the search results list. Other examples of off-page SEO include reviews which are very important in convincing patients to address their dental needs with you. A good Google rating is very important for the success of your dental practice. Social media marketing is also a great way to boost the success of your business. 

Speak to your digital dental marketing team today to find out more about on-page dental SEO and off-page dental SEO to make sure that you have a fully optimised website that is working to its maximum potential. This will help attract new patients, allow you to stand out from the crowd and grow your business.