Baby Steps to a Healthier You: Fun Exercises to Do with Your Little One

One of the challenges that most new mums come up against after having their baby is finding the time and energy maintain their health and wellbeing. Staying fit and well is so important, now you have a little one relying on you, you're of course going to want to be around for them for as long as possible. Don't play into the media's unrealistic (and frankly, unacceptable) portrayal of how new mums should bounce back, this journey should be about health and the way you feel. Incorporating your baby into your fitness routine can be a fun and effective way to stay active while bonding with your little one, you can do it without the need for childcare or any special equipment and is something you can do as and when you have the time and energy. Here are some ideas!

Long Walks with the Pram
Taking your baby for a long walk in the park with their pram can be a great way to get some fresh air and exercise. Walking is a low-impact activity that can help improve your cardiovascular health and boost your mood. You can also use this time to talk to your baby, point out interesting things in the environment, and bond with them. If you have a fussy or colicky baby then getting them outside and the motion of the pram does wonders to help them settle. So is better for your mental health too than sitting at home rocking them for hours and losing your mind!

Working Out at Home
If you prefer to exercise at home, there are plenty of workouts you can do with your baby nearby. Pop them into their bouncer or on their play mat next to you and follow along to a YouTube exercise video. There are plenty of choices for postpartum mums, or go with something to suit your fitness and strength level. 

Specific Exercise Classes
There are also exercise classes that you can attend with your baby, such as baby yoga, baby pilates, and baby dance classes. These classes are designed for both parents and babies to participate in and can be a fun way to meet other parents while getting some exercise. Plus, your baby will love the movement and interaction with others.

Swimming With Your Baby
Swimming is a low-impact exercise that can be great for new parents. Taking your baby to a swimming pool can be a fun way to introduce them to water and also get some exercise in yourself- pop them in a rubber ring and you can swim some laps while pushing them along. There are often parent-and-baby swimming classes that you can attend too, which provide a supportive and safe environment for you to swim with your little one.

Incorporating your baby into your fitness routine can be a great way to stay active and bond with your little one. Don't put pressure on yourself, and see it as a fun activity for you both rather than something that you 'must' do to try and look a certain way. Take some time to explore different activities and find what works best for you and your baby. Remember to have fun, stay safe, and enjoy the bonding experience with your little one!