Every Girl Should Do These Things Before They Settle Down!

woman wearing a necklace which says fearless on it

As women, we're getting married and having kids later in life than generations before us- that's a fact. The average age of of a first time mother in the UK is now thirty, much later than it's ever been previously. And for many of us, this is a really good thing. We have the choice to settle down and have children younger if we want to, but also have the option to wait a little and live life on our terms. Here are a few things you could consider doing before settling down. 

Live In a Different Country
So many of us have somewhere we wish we could live for a while. Whether it’s an amazing place you have been on vacation, or a destination where a family member lives, it’s easy to feel envious. But what exactly is stopping you from going to a different country to live for a short amount of time? In fact, everyone should try and experience living in a different country at least once in their life. You could see if your job has a site in a different location, or you could even take a sabbatical from work and find a job in your dream destination. You could become a freelancer where you're able to earn money from anywhere in the world. Whether it's six months or a couple of years, it's a chance to meet new people, experience another culture, learn a new language and see and do all kinds of exciting things. 

Go Travelling Alone
If you love to travel but can't (or don't want to) move somewhere for an extended period, why not just travel instead? It can be tricky if your friends have already settled down or struggle getting the time off work, but it's possible to travel alone safely. Organisations like Just You can be ideal as you get to experience things with other solo travellers. That way, you can go to places that you have always wanted to visit but without the safety concerns of being alone, plus you will meet interesting, likeminded people. 

Live on Your Own
While it’s always exciting living with your beau, it’s not as rewarding as living on your own. For one thing, you can make the house exactly as you want it. Decorate it in your favorite colors and choose wallpaper that you love. And you can then do exactly what you want in the home. No arguing over the TV remote with anyone else! And you can keep on top of your own chores without having to worry about what others are up to. You might want to go to an estate agent and find a property to rent for six months before you settle down with anyone else.