Can Your Business Seal the Deal?

In the world of business, in all corners of it, income is pivotal. Income is pivotal to all businesses, no matter what stage they are at in their lives. It is pivotal because, without it, necessary outgoings wouldn’t be able to, well, go out. Bills would be left unpaid. The payroll would fall behind. And if these eventualities happened, a business would be in serious hot water. So, income is pivotal. But how do you gain an income? Well, you do so by sealing the dealing.

Sealing deals is one thing that every business should be able to do if it wants to be a success. And you can seal the deal in the first seven seconds of contact. To do so, you have to be aware that it’s not necessarily the words that come out of your mouth that will be the defining factor. When meeting somebody face-to-face for the first time your body language and your appearance should speak for you. You should exert confidence, but not over-confidence. You should be professional, whilst still not showing yourself to be too much of a stickler. And you should have a firm — no, a very firm — handshake. If the contact is over the phone then you should pay just as much attention to your tone of voice as you do to the words you speak. It’s not necessarily what you say that will seal the deal, it is the way you say it in this initial contact. However, you should let your business do the talking for you, but this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t pay attention to the words you actually do choose to spill out into the conversation. Your first words should be well-thought through beforehand — without showing evidence that you have in fact thought about them. A good first port of call when choosing your words in your first contact with a client is to, in some way, thank them for taking time to talk to you. When a client feels appreciated right off the bat then half the battle is already won when it comes to eventually sealing the deal.

But it’s not just about you sealing the dealing all by yourself, you know. Your employees should, at all times, be well versed in the art of deal sealing. According to Impel Dynamic corporate sales training is a must. It is a must because it trains your employees in regards to their selling, negotiation and presentation techniques. It is a must because you can’t be around at all times to help seal deals and you need people that are. And those people are your band of employees. If they can make all the right moves when important clientele visit your business when you're not around then your business’s chances of sealing an important deal are boosted.

If you want to make a success of your business it is absolutely pivotal that you are able to seal each and every deal that is offered to you. And to seal a deal, of course you need to know how to close it. Make sure to check out this list of ways in which you can close out those deals and have them signed, sealed and sent straight to your business’s accounts in the form of income.