The Health Benefits Of Fishing

The sedate sport of fishing might not be the first hobby that springs to mind if you're looking to improve your health. But while you won't be as active as you might be when trying other sports, there are several health benefits that are worth knowing about. So, if you have ever considered fishing but are still sitting on the fence about it, why not give it a go? There are many fishing stores around the country that sell the gear you need, and you can visit such online stores as for bait. Check out these health benefits if you need a few incentives to give this sport a try. 

#1: Fishing can keep you fit
Fishing isn't the most active sport but that doesn't mean you won't give yourself a workout. Walking from your car to a nearby lake is the beginning of your exercise. Setting your gear up, casting your line, and winding in the fish you catch, will engage your body physically. If you catch a particularly big fish, you will boost your upper body strength as you try to reel it in. And the simple act of balancing your body as you stand is also a way to work on your core strength. So, while you won't always break out a sweat, there are still ways to improve your fitness levels when you go fishing. 

#2: Fishing can benefit your mental health
Research has shown that being outdoors can improve your mental health, as the fresh air and scenery around you can do much to de-stress and calm you. When fishing, there is also the fact that you will be standing near the water, so the sight and rippling sounds of the river or lake could create a calming meditative state within you. There is also the fact that you will be probably be fishing in a peaceful area, without the hustle and bustle of people and traffic. Being one with nature, away from the stresses of modern life, is another calming factor. So, if you need to get away from it all, fishing might be the perfect sport for you.

#3: You can eat healthily
The benefits of healthy eating are many and you can attain some of these when fishing. If you decide to take home the fish you catch instead of throwing it away, you will have something good to eat when you get home. Fish is packed with the nutrients you need for a healthy life, including omega 3, which is good for your eyesight and heart health, as well as vitamin B12 and vitamin D. Fish are rich in protein too, which is good news if you're trying to lose weight or build muscle strength. Of course, you do need to be mindful of where you go fishing. If the water is polluted, you shouldn't take the fish home with you, for obvious reasons. So, commit to research on the best places to fish to ensure the fish you catch are safe to eat. 

These are just some of the health benefits of fishing but there are many others. When being out in the sun, you can benefit from a warming dose of vitamin D, for example. You will also have the opportunity to clean out your lungs in the oxygen-rich air of the area around you if you choose somewhere out in nature. So, if you have the patience to give this sport a try, consider joining a fishing club or head out alone if you'd benefit from me-time. You will catch all the associated health benefits if you do!