5 Things You Never Knew About Migraines

With everything that goes on in life, most of us are no stranger to the concept of a headache. May it be a minor nagging ache or a major stabbing, throbbing pain  rendering you unable to do anything, headaches are somewhat difficult to deal with. But wait! Do you know what's worse? Migraines, they're a different type of headache with different causes to standard head pain- and therefore the treatment tends to be a little different. If you are experiencing migraines it's worth reaching out to a healthcare expert for help at sites health2delivery, understanding the root cause of the issue will allow you to better manage your symptoms and hopefully avoid triggers that bring them on in the first place. 

Symptoms of migraine
Migraines can incapacitate, and are usually unbearable for those who get them. Symptoms can include pounding pain on one or both sides of the head to nausea and vomiting, as well as hypersensitivity to sound and light. Episodes might linger for hours or even days, preventing people from working or engaging in everyday routines. Some people even experience pre-headache symptoms such as blind spots, tingling or flashes of light. 

Medications can sometimes make it worse 
Although medicines are intended to alleviate the discomfort of migraines, this practice can backfire dramatically in some situations. Excessive usage of migraine treatments often ends in "medication-overuse headaches", a rapidly spiralling vicious cycle. Many medications, including opioids, acetaminophen, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen), can cause this sort of headache. What is the workaround? Avoid taking migraine medicine, especially over-the-counter ones, more than twice a week. 

Migraines have a link to other serious health problems 
Those who experience migraines have a higher probability of suffering a stroke and other cardiovascular disorders compared to other people. In addition, the risk of stroke is increased even more when the migraine is accompanied by an aura (hypersensitivity to flashes of light, blind spots and other vision disturbances or tingling in your hand or face) in females aged 35 or older, particularly those using oral contraceptive pills or smoke. Research studies aren't certain why stroke and migraines are related, but a history of migraines with aura can be regarded as a significant risk factor for stroke. 

Surprisingly, a drop in stress levels can bring on a migraine 
Think again if you believe finishing your finals or completing that critical work report will lower your chances of getting a migraine. A team of researchers discovered a 20% increased risk of migraines when someone's mood changed from unhappy or anxious to joyful or relaxed. These "let-down" migraines could be triggered by a sharp decline in hormone levels. Now honestly, how can you minimize your chances of getting let down in this way? Try and avoid stress peaks in the first place. If you're in finals week or have a work deadline coming up, try some yoga or take plenty of breaks. 

Lightning and migraine? Yes, there is a connection. Apparently. 
A study conducted in Ohio and Missouri on migraine patients discovered that the likelihood of migraine episodes increased on days when lightning was located nearby vs days when it wasn't. Weather-related factors like barometric pressure and humidity, both of which have been associated with migraines in the past, make this connection even more probable. The researchers hypothesized that electromagnetic radiation from lightning could very well be causing migraines or that lightning could promote the production of ozone or fungus spores, any of which could cause a migraine. 

Migraines can blow in with the wind 
In addition to humidity and barometric temperature, many people believe that an ill wind is to blame for their migraine agony. At least one scientific study backs this up. Scientists in Alberta, Canada, discovered a higher incidence of migraine on days prior to chinook (warm winds blowing from the west) and on occasions when the gusts topped 23 miles per hour. Based on another study, almost 50% of migraine sufferers are sensitive to weather changes such as temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure.